May 15, 2024 Letter re: Oakton Re-Development

See below for the text of a formal letter sent to Supervisor Palchik and her staff, as well as EYA, the prospective developer of the AT&T site.  

This letter outlines concerns and updates the feedback we gathered through our 2023 surveys.  The updated feedback was obtained through an April 29, 2024 community meeting held at the Oakton Public Library.  There, attendees participated in two exercises meant to gather updated feedback based on the most recent proposal for the AT&T site released by EYA on April 18, 2024.  

Unsurprisingly, the updated feedback shows that Oakton residents are not yet satisfied with the plans for the AT&T site, and are deeply concerned about the sudden increase in re-development proposals throughout the small Flint Hill Suburban Center.  We urge the County to take our concerns seriously.  

Thank you so much to all of the April 29, 2024 meeting attendees, and all Oakton residents who have communicated your concerns with us.  Don't stop talking.  Don't stop sharing your views with the County.  We live here, and we deserve the right to influence any and all visions for the future enhancement of our community.  

FINAL Letter (05-15-2024).pdf