Flint Hill 3
PLUS #: RZ 2024-PR-00008
Owner: Flint Hill PropCo, LLC
Developer/Engineer: VIKA Virginia, LLC (Engineer).
Legal: David R. Gill, of Wire Gill, LLP
Status: Submitted; deficiencies issued - the application needs to be corrected.
Staffer: Daniel Creed, daniel.creed@fairfaxcounty.gov
Comp Plan: This rezoning application does not require corresponding changes to the Comprehensive Plan; only rezoning approval is needed.
Current Layout
Flint Hill 3 can be seen here under the black pointer. Currently, the site is occupied by a tall office building, parking lot, and some beauticul trees and bushes that bloom really nicely in the spring.
We have added in labels showing Flint Hill 3's proximity to the AT&T site across the street. Other labels on this map include the Oak Marr RECenter and part of Flint Hill 1 & 4, which lies south of Flint Hill 3.
Proposed Changes
This image is taken from the current rezoning application Plan document that has been loaded into the PLUS system. It shows the proposed placement of townhomes and open areas in Flint Hill 3. We have added the red circle and yellow labels to make it easier to see which parcel is Flint Hill 3.
Flint Hill 3 is the newest proposal for redevelopment in the Flint Hill Suburban Center, but this property and Redwood are owned by the same entity.
Currently, their proposal includes the following:
139 total units (incl. affordable housing).
116 stacked townhouses
23 townhouses
Maintains the exisiting 16-20 dwelling units per acre that is part of the Comp Plan.